Ceramic-AI official online store
Enrich your daily life Introducing the original brand developed by Ceramic Indigo.
12世紀中世ヨーロッパ 特にフランスで盛んだった宮廷貴族たちの恋愛叙情詩。 トルバドゥールとはこの叙情詩を歌い上げる詩人たちのこと。
藍呉須と朱赤の上絵 和の風景を宅で愉しむ
-And Ai-
Like decorating a table with flowers. Make your usual time and space a little special.
A world view with a unique original design
Yukuri is a Yamato word meaning "edge" and "connection". The hospitality of everyday wear that spreads by connecting ceramics from various makers.